Travels to the pub and back

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Il neige!

Pretty damn heavily as it turns out, so I might try one more boarding day this weekend. I'm going to France for a couple of weeks at the end of February, so I don't know whether or not to risk another day of purgatorial Scottish mountain weather before then...

But I digress. On Monday a Belgian friend of Jeff's arrived with another friend to stay for a few days, so (of course) we had to go out and show 'em a good time. Thankfully it turned out to be a reasonably sensible night (at least for your correspondent and the Belgians; Jeff was kicking it big style until 2.30 am, the dog).

Tiny Monkey convened on Tuesday evening for a bit of an experimental practise: we tried to write a song. Admittedly, we didn't get as far as a whole song, but we've got a killer verse. All we need now are a bridge, chorus, middle eight and lyrics. And a singer. And a drummer.

I can almost smell Top of the Pops.

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