Travels to the pub and back

Monday, January 08, 2007


In the aftermath of CF's comeback gig, Christmas and Hogmanay, I've intentionally and rather abruptly stepped off the gas. The last week has been taken up by exactly two activities: looking for a new flat for Ash and I to rent, and watching 24 Day 5. If we weren't occupied by the first of those, we were most definitely ensconced in front of the box occupied by the second. There's an established protocol to this: I loudly proclaim that some recent action (more often than not Jack Bauer has rendered someone unconscious with the butt of his gun) is a load of bollocks, and wonder aloud why didn't he just say "Excuse me Bob, I need your help on this," instead of leaving the guy with a potential brain injury, while Ash bemoans my pedantry and enjoys a worrying level of genuine empathy with the characters.

In other words, it is awesome viewing. After hour 12 I gave up even bothering to vent and now entertain a foolish pipe dream of becoming a screenwriter. Ah, the power of television.

We saw a few flats over the weekend, while I was mildly afflicted with a cold and very possibly high on nose-clearing Fisherman's Friends. I made a series of faux pas.


In here is the boxroom. It's really great as a study, or just for storage.

KEITH stands in the middle of the windowless room.

Or a cell! Ha ha.

Stony silence. The LANDLORD and ASH look blankly at KEITH.


ASH, KEITH and the LANDLORD are standing by the bathroom door. ASH opens the medicine cabinet above the sink.

There are no pills for you in there, Ash! Ha ha.

Stony silence. The LANDLORD and ASH look blankly at KEITH.


The LANDLORD opens the door to the cellar opposite the flat's front door. Some mouldy pieces of cardboard serve as carpeting.

It's a bit damp in there, unfortunately. You could use it as a bike shed.

Or as a cell! Ha ha.

Stony silence. The LANDLORD and ASH look blankly at KEITH.

You get the picture. Needless to say, we don't have a new flat, although a few times I was encouraged by how nice some of them were. Of course, immediately after viewing each of the nice ones I sank into a depression because I was reminded again how I shall never have the capital to purchase such a flat for myself.

Coba Fynn have been lying low for the last couple of weeks, and I think we can be more easily accused of inertia than momentum. (Ahaha! A little physics joke for you there. Carry on, please.) Fortunately though, we're back in the running for another Free Candy session, and the website will soon be getting some much-needed attention.

That is all.

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