Travels to the pub and back

Thursday, November 18, 2004


it looks like Tiny Monkey's stated aim of playing live before the end of the year won't come to pass. Dom is off to a trade show next week, so he's out of the country for about a week and a half. Just before he gets back, Doug then embarks on a marathon succession of voice acting, playing with his other band and then holidaying which takes him all the way through to Christmas.


And all this after I go and order myself a compressor to even out my bass's sound.

Ah well. I have a cunning plan to shoe-horn 18 hours of practising into a single week in January and to play, at the end of it, an open mic night. How's that for a New Year's resolution? Not very snappy, I grant you, but more likely to come true than "Eat less biscuits."

Preemptive update: Yes, Kate. Yes. I mean of course fewer biscuits. 5 points for spotting the linguistic cretin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was actually going to make exactly the same grammatical suggestion. Well done, Kate.