Travels to the pub and back

Monday, March 21, 2005

TM rides again:

Andy's booked us a gig at the Cowgate Subway (aka the Scrubway) on the 28th of April. Apparently we'll appear on the upcoming events poster for April along with Proxy. Entry - yes, the Subway actually charges to let you in - will be £3, of which £0 goes to either band. Oh yes: from a notional minus £100 for the first gig (fortunately avoided because you lot drank a staggering amount), we progress to not actually owing money afterwards.

In other news, it was a fairly busy week - various European acquaintances visited, necessitating a few trips to the boozer; TM reconvened for our second post-/pre-gig rehearsal, and Kate and I played badminton (4-1 to me, so partial redress for my total hyoomiliation at the pool table a couple of weeks back) and then had a rather spiffy meal at the Tapas Tree.

Saturday night was a bit good as well: Hannah, Waxy and Neil's mum (first of our mums I've met who like Led Zeppelin) came through from the dark of the West and Neil furnished us with a most impressive meal. The wine flowed, '70s rock boomed from the stereo and we called each other cocks. I say "we" and "each other" but actually I mean "they" and "me". Ah well - it's a privilege to be called a cock by such illustrious company.

1 comment:

Keith Houston said...

Turns out there's actually a similar scheme to the Outhouse, where we foot the bill for gear and room hire, only this time the door receipts go towards paying for that. So this time, instead of drinking to help us out, you fork out a few quid instead. I think the charge is just a way of keeping freeloaders out!