Travels to the pub and back

Monday, April 11, 2005

I really have nothing to write

about the weekend. Friday was modestly entertaining: I had a couple of pints with Dave after work and we blethered about a possible road trip across the US in June (of which much more later if it actually comes off!), then went with the usual suspects to meet Jez and Poppy, an old archaeology mate of Jeff's, for a couple more.

Saturday was a sort of meh day of faffing in the flat, followed by a pleasant (but slightly suburban) evening out in Bathgate with some friends of Kate's. I don't mean suburban in a denigratory sense; if nothing else, their garage has left me with residual jealousy at not being able to afford a flat with any sort of storage space for crates of beer, extra fridges, unnecessary bass equipment and snowboards. On the other hand, my putative hovel will hopefully be central enough so that I can avoid hour-long commutes.

Sunday was a 10-hour purgatory at work. Again.

I hope fervently that something interesting happens soon.

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