Travels to the pub and back

Sunday, October 31, 2004

These days

as I hurtle headlong towards death and life foreshortens before me, I find that truly stupid drinking is often beyond my capabilities. Luckily the odd pirate-themed, eleven hour H(alfway House)a(ssembly)l(ogie Bairds)l(ast Drop)o(z bar)w(histle Binkies)e(nsign Ewart)e(spionage)n(icol Edwards) 4-binge pub crawl comes along to reassure me that when absolutely required, I can still handle my liquor.

I imagine I'll be avoiding such things for the forseeable future, given that I am still too tired to think.

Apologies for brevity, but the combination of a mostly uneventful week and enough rum to fell an elephant has left me incapable of forming any more meaningful joined-up sentences. Here's to some non-drinking related fun stuff happening soon...!

Update: Now up, Josh's photos of the day's piracy.


Anonymous said...

you wimp

Keith Houston said...

Ouch. Ah, anonymous comments. What a great idea.

Anonymous said...

I thought that might turn out to be a problem eventually. Granted, one could also just make up a fake name in the old format, but the anonymity just really calls out for name-calling. From COWARDS.